What makes Georgia Tech women's soccer one of the top sport clubs at the CRC? Hear from club president, Carlin Zaprowski as we learn more about the team and why they are the December sport club of the month! 

CRC Sport Club of the Month - Georgia Tech Women’s Soccer

Soccer is one of the most popular sports in the world. This team sport combines quick foot skills with speed.  Georgia Tech (GT) women’s soccer is one of the 40 competitive sport clubs available through Campus Recreation (CRC) who compete inter-collegiately. Join us for a conversation with Carlin Zaprowski, GT women’s soccer president and 4th-year neuroscience major as we learn more about what has made this sport club successful over the years.

Q: Can you tell me about GT Women's Soccer?

A: GT Women’s Soccer is a sport club that primarily competes in the fall semester, but we also play friendlies in the spring. The competitive season starts in late August and continues until late November when our league (NIRSA) holds nationals. We have dramatically improved over the last few years. Four years ago we had never qualified for regionals, but in the past three years, we have qualified for the regional tournament. Our end goal every season is making it to nationals, which we are competing in this semester! Qualifying for nationals is a big deal, so it’s our goal to qualify every year.

Q: What are some reasons for joining GT Women's Soccer?

A: We have fun! People tend to join our team because they miss playing soccer like they used to in high school. It’s amazing to play on a team, experience the dynamic of winning and losing together, and encourage accountability among teammates. Also, we travel to other colleges throughout the southeast to compete in games and tournaments. Most of us on the team are girls that played competitively throughout their lives but decided to come to Tech for the academics. However, we love soccer too much to let it go! Also playing soccer is a great way to stay in shape!

Q: As a member of GT women's soccer, do you have a favorite memory or experience?

A: My favorite memory was when I went in as forward (I am a goalkeeper for reference) during my sophomore season when our other goalkeeper would play the second half. Back then, I usually played in 50% of the games, and I ended up being the lead scorer for that spring season! I didn’t play a minute where I didn’t have a huge smile on my face. Another cooler but less fun experience was attending all of the games and being the team mom/cheerleader when I tore my ACL last November. I learned a lot about how much it sucks to sit on the sideline and watch when all you want to do is go play.

Q: What are some past GT Women's Soccer successes?

A: We have qualified for regionals for the past three seasons and have attended the national tournament two of the last three years. On another note, we organized a successful indoor fundraising tournament last spring. 

Q:  How can students join GT Women's Soccer?

A: We hold tryouts around the second week of every semester, and every semester has a completely fresh tryout and team. You can email gtwomenssoccer10@gmail.com to get added to the mailing list to get more detailed tryout information, or you can message us on Facebook at Georgia Tech Women’s Club Soccer. All you need is yourself, cleats, and commitment and you are ready to go!

Learn more about joining one of the many CRC sport clubs at crc.gatech.edu/clubs.